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Chiba Education Center

Chiba Education Center is an institute for learning Japanese Language and getting the services to go and study in Japan. It is situated in Putalisadak( Way to Dillibazar) in Kathmandu. Anyone who is looking to relocate in Japan, go and work in Japan, tourist guide professionals, hotel and restaurant workers and students can attend the Japanese language school of Chiba Education Center. They can also process their applications, to study in cities of their choice such as Tokyo, Yokohama, Chiba, Fukuwoka, Gunma, Kobe, Nagasaki, Niigata, Osaka and many more. Whether you are going on a student VISA or working Visa, or Study N4 and N5 Level of Japanese Language course then the professionals of Chiba Education Center are there to take care of your needs and help in realising them also. The steps for studying abroad in Japan managed by Chiba are counselling, documentation, visa processing, language class and travel arrangements. Their rich testimonials of previous students who have gone and accomplished their objectives add feathers to the cap of Chiba’s glorious history.
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  • Japan
Chiba Education Center