
Why study in Sweden?

Sweden is one of the Scandinavian Countries of Northern Europe. The Country has over 10000 lakes and 24000 islands. The people are called Swedish. The international students around the world is 39000 out of 343000 Swedish students. The currency of Sweden is called Swedish Kroner.

Education in Sweden is innovative, inclusive for international students from EU/EEA and outside also. It has a unique blend of academic excellence, cutting edge research, and better infrastructures. You can get enrolled at some world class Universities that are English spoken. There are part time works and full time post study work permits for post graduates in Sweden.

Swedish people have achieved the Nobel prize. There is game changing software and technology development in Sweden. It is also an eco friendly. ( pollution free Country)

Some of the inspiring things to study in Sweden for international students are:

  • Impeccable quality of education along with employment opportunities for highly skilled and professional graduates.

    Sweden has the highest quality education system in the world. They emphasize on the learning developments of their students. The education system is decentralized with stress on equality. They provide international students with a good quality of education at affordable cost along with scholarships from Universities and other recognized bodies of Sweden. Their Universities are mainly public Universities, Public University Colleges, Private University respectively. In the world ranking of 2022 education Sweden was in the 9th position.

  • Sweden ranks among best countries when it comes to gender equality

    Sweden is also a promoter of gender equality. It is first in the European Union for Gender equality. Gender equality policy is stately regulated by the Swedish government and also covers education. Male and female are offered equal opportunities to study, research and work areas such as recruitment and promotions. There is strict monitoring for any breach in the equality practices.

  • Great outdoor experiences for international students in Sweden

    For an international student in Sweden besides studying, living can become a very enchanting experience in totality. Sweden has great outdoor activities, wilderness adventures, wildlife watching, safari led by tour guides and leaders. There are also some popular activities like Sit down husky ride, dog sled tour, stockholm archipelago cruise with guide and many more options.

  • There are no language barriers in Sweden and Swedish lifestyles are very flexible with proper work life balance.

    In Sweden there are no language barriers for foreign students. For general information, in Sweden around 900 programs of the institute of Sweden are taught in English language.

  • Plenty of scholarships for students

    There are various opportunities to grab a scholarship in Sweden. The scholarships are offered from Sweden government scholarship for international students, Universities scholarships for international students in Sweden, Scholarship and travel grants, fellowships offered to international students by Sweden.

  • You can work while you are studying in Sweden and also after completing your studies.

    If you are a citizen outside the European Union and EEA Countries you are allowed to work in Sweden on a permit. After graduating you can apply for a resident permit for 12 months extra and you can search within 12 months and once you get employed you will have to apply again for a work permit. On a student visa of Sweden there are no official limits to work during study period, however 20 hours per week must be focused on studies.

  • Innovative style of learning that encourage participatory methods rather than rote learning in Swedish Colleges/Universities

    Instead of a rote way of learning and teaching in Swedish higher institutes. The approach of learning shifts to another level called participatory learning and action research, and study groups. Students get real life based skills and also learning based on participation to solve problems and cases in Swedish high study classrooms.

  • Abound of cultural and social diversities

    Swedish families are diverse and lifestyles and beliefs differ from one family to another. The multicultural society of Sweden values social equality, inclusiveness, and strong work ethics.

  • Health insurance for registered and resident of Sweden.

    Health care without insurance in Sweden is very expensive for international students. For students from international countries staying more than one year in Sweden you should register and obtain an individual identification number for public health care as soon as you arrive in Sweden.

Key facts to study in Sweden:

Here are some of the interesting facts about studying in Sweden:

  • Swedish people hardly use cash and so many stores don’t accept cash
  • You can check out various meal plans, nearby shops and cafeterias. There are microwave located with Campuses for students conveniences
  • Swedish is an innovative Country with most advanced societies
  • Swedish has the best Companies and there are top employers who can offer better conditions to work there for qualified international students.
  • Swedish teachers and professors are highly qualified compared to other countries.

Benefits of Studying in Sweden for Nepalese Students

For international student who are targeting to study their choice of program at Swedish Colleges/Universities here are some benefits on those areas:

  • Sweden have globally reputed education system of the world
  • Students can experience a high quality life with the excellent healthcare systems of Sweden.
  • Swedish Universities fare top group positions in research, knowledge transfer and international orientation
  • International networking with global community students studying in Sweden
  • Sweden is the safest country in the world to study in
  • There are no language hurdles to study in Sweden
  • 8 Sweden Universities are listed in the QS World rankings
  • There is a stay back option for international students after work to get resident permits up to a maximum of six months.
  • Financial support outside EU/EEA countries have various options in Sweden through grants, loans, tax benefits, family allowance, state guarded loans, supplementary loans, loans for additional cost, no tax benefits for students' parents.

Top Universities to study in Sweden for international students

Sweden has some world’s finest Universities offering innovative and diverse programs from highly qualified academic scholars. Here are the list of most preferred Universities by Nepalese students to study in Sweden:

  1. Chalmers University of Technology

    It is a private research University in Gothenburg Sweden. It occupies a major position in research and engineering for sustainable development.

  2. Uppsala University

    It is a first class University dedicated to public research University and one of the oldest Universities of Sweden. It has nine faculties over three disciplinary domains Humanities and Social Science, Medicine and Pharmacy and also Science and Technology.

  3. Karolinska Institutet

    It is the world's pioneer Medical University of Sweden. It has the single largest medical research share of Sweden. It has also launched many innovative academic programs for the first time in Sweden such as the Masters program in Biostatistics and Data Science.

  4. Swedish defense University

    It is both a civil and military University. It has the best courses for students in international defense. It also has infrastructures to support students with disabilities.

  5. Lund University

    It is the University of the late sixteenth Century and also in the top 100 Universities of the world. This University offers 75 Bachelors programs and 220 Masters programs. There are also online courses available from this Swedish University.

Requirement to study in Sweden by Nepalese students?

To study in Sweden here are the following requirements for Nepalese students:

  • Should obtain a Personal Identity Number to do part time jobs in Sweden and the study course for the same should be more than 13 months.
  • Apply for Swedish Student Visa and have at least SEK 8568 per month as living expenses.
  • Apply for a Swedish resident permit worth 1000 SEK and a work permit which costs 2000 SEK.
  • Meet English language proficiency requirement for program specific like Bachelor level Swedish upper secondary course English 6, Master level
  • English 5 or 7 requirement. So, IELTS Requirement is over 6.0 no band less than 5.5, TOEFL 72 or equivalent scores.

What should students pursuing studying in Sweden have?

Here are some inevitable things that each international students studying in Sweden should have:

  • Confirmed travel health insurance
  • Valid passport
  • Completed application form
  • Voucher copy of application fees paid
  • Proof of Funds
  • PTE Academic/ TOEFL ibt
  • Enough money to support themselves
  • At Least 8500 SEK to cover living expenses
  • Obtain the resident permit for studies

Education and cost

Swedish Universities offer top ranking academic qualifications from Universities of public and private bodies. Some of the names of Universities and their fee structures are listed below:

University Bachelors Masters
Karlstad University 150000 to 290000 Kroner 95000 to 235000 Kroner
Linkoping University 440000 Kroner 80000 to 126000 Kroner
Lund University 100000 to 200000 Kroner 110000 to 225000 Kroner
Dalarna University 264100 Kroner 87000 to 151500 Kroner
Mid Sweden University 101700 Kroner 85800 to 183400 Kroner
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 140000 Kroner 113000 to 186000 Kroner

Language proficiency:

To study in Swedish Universities and academic programs you will need to meet specific English language requirements such as IELTS 6.5 and no band less than 5.5, TOEFL 4.5 written and overall 575. If you know Swedish language which is not an absolute requirement you will be able to help in attending Swedish University classes in Sweden.

Admission Criteria:

The specific admission requirements for academic degrees in Colleges/Universities of Sweden are:

Courses Specific Bachelors Masters
Maths level1 must have passed Mathematics at upper secondary school Successfully completed upper level higher secondary level post school Should have Bachelor degree from an internationally recognized University
Mathematics 4 and 5 specialized in Mathematics Should be able to show proficiency in English Should meet English 6 requirements with upper 6 secondary studies or meet same standard from previous University studied

As shown above the general requirements and specific requirements for particular courses in Bachelor and Masters programs differs. The specific requirements are categorical and should be compiled to enter a particular course structure in both programs' frameworks, each will be requiring specific proficiencies.

Financial Proofs:

The financial evidence to meet the requirements of living, and paying tuition costs are crucial aspects for every international student living and studying there. For this you will need the;

  • Paid application fees
  • Valid Passport
  • Forms of bank statements,
  • Scholarship certificates obtained
  • Bank loans sanction copy
  • Fund to support first semester fee payment

Health Insurance:

All international students studying from Sweden must be covered either from public and private health insurance policies. It also will cover the costly medical expenses of hospital charges, paramedics, inpatient cash benefits, home nursing and other health care charges.

Intakes in Sweden for Nepalese Students

Study intakes from Sweden Universities are of two categories:

Spring intake Starts from January to June Application process from October to January
Autumn intake Starts from August to September Application process from June August

There are two intakes in Swedish Universities. Spring intake and Autumn intakes. The applications for this intake are open from October till January and spring class commence from January to June. For Autumn intake it starts from August till September and Application period starts from June till August before the Autumn intakes in Sweden.

Cost of Living in Sweden for Nepalese Student

The nominal living cost for international students outside EU/EEA nations in Sweden are tabulated as follows:
Categories Estimated Average(SEK/year)
Tuition fees 80000 to 295000 SEK
Accommodation 2500 to 9000 SEK per month
Transportation 700 to 1000 SEK per month
Utilities 299 to 961 SEK per month
Grocery 2000 to 3000 SEK per month
Leisure and entertainment 74-379 SEK per month
Miscellaneous hidden cost 750 SEK per month

Scholarships in Sweden for Nepalese Student

Sweden offers various types of scholarships, grants to international students with good academic performances. Some of which can be applied are:

  • Swedish institute scholarships for global professionals (allowance of 12000 SEK)
  • Adlerbert Study Scholarships (100 percent tuition waive off)
  • Lund University Global Scholarship (partial or full tuition fees)
  • Karlstad University of Global Scholarship (25 to 100 percent on tuition fees)
  • Mid Sweden University tuition fee scholarship (75 percent tuition fee scholarship)
  • Linkoping University international scholarship (25 or 50 percent off)
  • Dalarna University Scholarship (10000 SEK tuition waiver)
  • Rotary Peace fellowship for international students (Fully funded)

How to become eligible for scholarships in Sweden?

Scholarships are awarded to those who have been shortlisted. It is awarded on a competitive basis. There are partial allowances to fully funded scholarships. You have to fill the scholarship application form and submit your request to concerned institutes in Sweden within deadline periods. They are competitive in Sweden.

Work Oppurtunities in Sweden for Nepalese Students

After completing a degree program in Sweden you have to have a residence permit for those staying longer than three months. You can extend up to 12 months to look for a job. You must submit an application for a work permit after you get your residence permit. You should have a copy of Valid passport, terms of agreement or salary at par with Swedish occupation, must have 27360 SEK per month minimum and employers must provide copies of health, life, pension and employment copies. Some post study work areas are:

  • Researchers
  • Information technology
  • Health care
  • Business and Marketing
  • Customer Relation Department
  • Logistics
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Lab Technician

Top University of Sweden

Location University Student
Borås University of Borås 0
Falun Dalarna University 0
Flemingsberg Södertörn University 0
Gävle University of Gävle 0
Göteborg Gothenburg University 0
Göteborg Chalmers Lindholmen University College 0
Halmstad Halmstad University 0
Huddinge Swedish Red Cross University 0
Jönköping Jönköping University 0
Karlskrona Blekinge Institute of Technology 0
Karlstad Karlstad University 0
Kristianstad Kristianstad University 0
Linköping Linköping University 0
Luleå Luleå University of Technology 0
Lund Lund University 0
Malmö Malmö University 0
Malmö World Maritime University 0
Örebro Örebro University 0
Skövde University of Skövde 0
Stockholm KTH Royal Institute of Technology 0
Stockholm Stockholm University 0
Stockholm Karolinska Institute 0
Stockholm Stockholm School of Economics 0
Stockholm Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design 0
Stockholm Stockholm University of the Arts 0
Stockholm Royal College of Music 0
Stockholm Royal Institute of Art 0
Stockholm Beckmans College of Design 0
Stockholm Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences 0
Stockholm Sophiahemmet University 0
Stockholm Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College 0
Sundsvall Mid Sweden University 0
Trollhättan University West 0
Umeå Umeå University 0
Uppsala Uppsala University 0
Uppsala Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 0
Uppsala Newman Institute 0
Västerås Mälardalens University 0
Växjö Linnaeus University 0

List of Consultancy for Sweden

Apollo International Education Consultancy

Apollo International Education Consultancy

Apollo International Education Services is the finest education Consultancy for students to make the right choice for abroad studies including in Sweden. They provide comprehensive services and specialized information for abroad education, language classes, career counseling, and all formalities including VISA-related services, and scholarships to study at the finest Colleges and Universities in Sweden.

Out study abroad program

Out study abroad program

Out Study, abroad program is a well-established education Consultancy and one of the best service providers for study in Sweden and other Countries abroad. It also provides scholarships available from international institutions, standard VISA-related services, test preparations, documentation, interview preparations, accommodations, and work opportunities.