Culture and Demographics of South Korea

If you want to adjust quickly to South Korea, then you are suggested to learn about the culture and society demographics of South Korea. Though South Korea is one of the technologically advanced countries in the world, the people of South Korea are particular about their culture and tradition. 

Korean people have preserved their centuries-old rich culture and still follow them. Koreans wear traditional attire during special festivals and occasions. The traditional attire of Koreans is called Hanbok. 

Nepalese students may find some of their culture strange while some of them are quite similar to Nepali culture. For example, Korean people maintain a respectful tone while talking to elders just like in Nepali culture. Korean people are fond of spicy foods just like Nepalese foods. They are welcoming and helpful just like Nepalese people. 

Koreans take their shoes out while entering the house, which is a regular culture in Nepalese households too. Like Nepalese, Koreans are also protective of their family. Their children feel the responsibility to take care of their family in old age. 

Unlike in Nepali culture, most Korean women are independent at a very young age. Almost 48% of females work for their livelihood. Korean people, particularly Korean men, are obsessed with beauty and South Korea is a country where the rate of people going through plastic surgery is high. 

One of the strange and interesting facts about South Korea is that the age of the newborn is calculated as 1 year because they believe the child spends 9 months in the womb. Similarly, Koreans don’t use the number 4 as it is considered to be bad luck. They associate this number with death. Because of this reason, some buildings don’t have the fourth floor and they don’t have the number 4 button in the elevators. They sometimes use the alphabet “F” to indicate the 4th floor.  

Koreans are also fond of celebrating festivals in different seasons. The Seoul international fireworks festival is one of the popular South Korean festivals, organized by the Hanwha company. It is celebrated during the Autumn season. At this festival, different countries take part every year. This festival of fireworks began in the year 2000 and people have continued to celebrate with love and joy. A similar kind of festival called Busan International Fireworks Festival is celebrated in Busan every year. In both the festivals, thousands of fireworks are lit up and millions of spectators witness the festivals annually. 

Busan International Film festival is one of Asia’s largest film festivals. Jeju Canola Flower Festival is celebrated in Jeju Island. Jeju Island is famous for the beautiful canola flowers they grow in spring. During the spring season, the view of the flower field with the blue sea in the background is spectacular.