Language and Religion in South Korea

Learning about the Language and religion in South Korea can be helpful for cultural integration. The people in South Korea speak the Korean language and the alphabet is called Hangul. People speak five major dialects in South Korea. Besides Korean, most Koreans are fluent in Chinese and Japanese languages too. 

Learning Korean before going to South Korea is essential. If you couldn’t learn the language in your homeland, then you can even take Korean language classes in the Korean Language Institute after you arrive in South Korea. 

Korean people are not fluent in the English language. Few of the Koreans speak broken English whereas most of them don't even understand English. Without knowing the Korean language, it would be difficult for you in your daily life in South Korea.  

To learn Korean in South Korea, you have to acquire a D-4 Visa. After you complete a language training class with a D-4 Visa, convert it to D-2 Visa so that you can commence your study at the university. 

Most of the courses in the universities of South Korea are taught in Korea but many colleges teach various courses in English too. The teachers who will teach in English are fluent in English so the language barrier is not a problem during the study but it can be once you step into the professional world. So, you must have proficiency in the Korean language. 

Learning Korean can be difficult because Koreans use both formal and informal tones. While talking to elders, they use formal language and when they are talking to someone smaller than them, they use informal language. Talking in informal language with the elders is bad manners in Korea. It is considered disrespectful to talk like that. So, in Korean culture, it is common for Korean people to ask other people’s age. 

Since people from all over the world come to South Korea to live and work, language and religion have a major role in their lifestyle. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Christianity are major religions of South Korea. However, Buddhism has the most followers and the religion has a great impact on lifestyle, culture, and art. 

Koreans are peaceful in nature. They always come forward to help others. They are also hard-working so not many people are seen taking leaves from their job unless it’s an emergency. 

Koreans have an obsession with looking beautiful and beauty products. In Korean culture, you should have a certain kind of face and body structure to be beautiful. Similarly, Koreans are fond of foods and accessories.